Part 5: CPAs Face a Multi-Generational Skills Gap. Here’s How We Fix It.

The average CPA might be facing an issue not entirely their own fault: a skills gap, particularly in the information technology field. The CPA Evolution Initiative is pulling back the curtain on the elephant in the room: finance professionals will need to upskill to bridge the skills gap and remain competitive.
Part 4: CPAs Face a Multi-Generational Skills Gap. Here’s How We Fix It.

The average CPA might be facing an issue not entirely their own fault: a skills gap, particularly in the information technology field. The CPA Evolution Initiative is pulling back the curtain on the elephant in the room: finance professionals will need to upskill to bridge the skills gap and remain competitive.
Part 3: CPAs Face a Multi-Generational Skills Gap. Here’s How We Fix It.

The average CPA might be facing an issue not entirely their own fault: a skills gap, particularly in the information technology field. The CPA Evolution Initiative is pulling back the curtain on the elephant in the room: finance professionals will need to upskill to bridge the skills gap and remain competitive.